Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Stem Cell Research

Stem cell research is the new technology that develops human cells into a variety of cells hundreds of cells of the human body like brain and blood cells. Scientist and researchers are attempting to use stem cells to serve as a treatment and cure for diseases. Adult stem cells are generated from adult tissue with no major complications. Embryo stem cells are generated easier and are projected to serve more purpose than adult stem cells http://www.wisegeek.com/

Stem cell research is a great thing for medicine and society. This stem cell research good revolutionize the treatment for diseases. Patients will have a better survival rate if their bad cells can be regenerated with stem cells. Cancer and fatal disease like Aids can potentially be cured by this major research. It may take a while but it is definitely worth putting a lot of time, effort, and millions of dollars toward helping stem cell research become current medical procedures. This could minimize the cost of surgeries for cancers and diseases also.

Some people disagree with the ethics of stem cell research because it is the process of cloning. From a religious aspect, people don’t want mankind to act as God by attempting to create new life. It has been argued that stem cell research is the beginning of major cloning which will be the creating human beings without sexual reproduction. I totally agree that cloning human beings is ill moral and detrimental to society.

History of NAACP

NAACP mourns loss of Dorthy Heights and Benjamin Lawson Hooks

The NAACP stands for National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. The NAACP was formed in 1909 in New York by a group of black and white citizens fighting for social justice. A “Call” was issued on February 12, 1909, by a collection of sixty signatures for a meeting on the concept of creating an organization that would serve as a protector against racial injustice(“Time Line”). The call was a response to a vicious race riot that took place in Springfield, Illinois in 1908. The riot left two black men lynched and several others beaten. One of the sixty signatures included W.E.B. Dubois, who was a black activist and the director of publication and research for the NAACP (“History of NAACP”). Another significant member was Moorefield Storey who was a constitutional lawyer and former president of the American Bar Association before being appointed NAACP president. The organization invited not just minorities, but any person that had a genuine interest to help aid colored people. They combined forces with white liberals and black activist to form the NAACP.

Before branching out across the United States, the NAACP established its national office and headquarters in New York City in 1909. They emphasized on local organizing and established branch offices in Boston, Massachusetts, Washington D.C., Detroit, Michigan, Kansas City, Missouri and St. Louis, Missouri by 1913. The organizations first goal was to gain strength in their numbers and include members that had a great deal of influence on their race and communities (“Time Line”). Between 1917 and 1919 the organization had grew from 9,000 members to 90,000. They also wanted to gain a sense of independence by establishing their own magazine called The Crisis, which displayed the problems in the black community and gave important updates in national news. It also published the works of African American literacy figures, such as Langston Hughes and Countee Cullen. The Crisis provided a source for the black ear and was the voice of the Harlem Renaissance. The NAACP gave hope to the black race when all blacks had was faith. Blacks had prayed for an organization that would help in the fight for equality and peace. Those of that lived in the south were amazed at the magazine and the display of the Harlem Renaissance (Smith). http://www.naacp.org/

Side Effects of Steroids

Anabolic steroids are synthetic hormones that are derivatives of testosterone and are used medically to promote tissue growth and storage of protein. It increases the size and strength of muscles and improves endurance. In sports, this past decade has been declared the Steroid Era because of the excessive use of steroids by professional athletes. Majority of people that favor record breaking and high quality entertainment, suggest that steroids usage is not a terrible thing. However, steroids can cause massive damage to the body, mind, and lives of those that use it. www.steroid.com

Steroids can affect the body’s vital parts and cause complications in the body’s system. Physical side effects of steroids cause liver tumors, high blood pressure, heart problems, bone osteoporosis, hygiene problems concerning strong odors. Men shrinking of the testicles, reduced sperm count, infertility, developing of breast. Women grow facial hair, change in menstrual cycle, and a deepening of voice.

Steroids can also have a negative effect on the brain as well.
a. Paranoid jealously, extreme irritability, and impatience.
b. Impaired judgment stemming from a feeling of invincibility.
c. Extreme levels of aggression triggered those results in violence.