Thursday, March 29, 2012



The Story of the Internet-The history of the internet had some political involvement. Ronald Reagan ordered the invading of Grenada in 1983. The military needed ways to communicate, so each branch of the military had a different company providing their data network. Company providers like IBM and AT&T could not inter-network with each other. This concept is called stovepipe. The story also covered protocol (rules). Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)-hypertext language and Internet Protocol (IP)- how data is incoded. Packet Switching cuts up data into pieces and puts it together at destination. It is more flexible than Circuit switching that only one person can use at a time. The Internet is text based, command that only highly technologically skilled people can understand, but the World Wide Web (WWW) is a browser that includes application and pictures that can direct you instead of knowing the language. The huge dot com bubble created an era of infrastructure built including wiring and fiber optic wiring that created lines for a greater volume of communication.

Adding to this story, I think that the huge boom in wireless technology caused a major revolution in the World Wide Web. The internet was based on wired technology. The slow speed and stationary computers were not as appealing to consumers, but the creation of cell phones and laptops generated more consumers and researching of alternatives like more satellites. This chain of events has now transformed into social sites and I-clouds. The creation of wireless technology has encouraged not using devices at all. Soon, people will no longer buy software in the physical form or save their information on a jump drive.

The first video on YouTube was titled What happens when you use the internet? The video explained that two or more computers that work together is a network. Inter-network is two networks working together. A key term used was Internet Protocol-rules that networks agree to play by. If all networks agree, they can keep adding devices and networks so that the world is connected. The internet is a network of networks that share each other. IP Address-are a set of numbers that identify all devices. The video continued on saying that the internet is decentralized, which means that there are so many connections that there is no simple point of failure. There is more than one route to travel on the internet. Internet providers-have an internet exchange point to interconnect technology. By connecting in one place, internet providers save cost and higher efficiency. This concept is called Peering and has an easy equation (one connection+shared platform+many peers+Lower Cost) that in the end is mutually beneficial.

The second video titled Understanding the Internet illustrates that the internet is a wire. Two computers connected to the wire can communicate. A Sever is a special computer connected directly to the internet. Web Pages are files on the servers hard drive. IP address-help devices find each other through numbers and .com  names. Packets- involves small pieces of info sent at a time through the internet, then reassembled when there destination is reached. Information is sent simultaneously sometimes and in large amounts, but Routers direct information where it needs to go.

The last link titled 10 Revealing Infographics About the Web shows the different usage of the internet. The web trend map shows the top domains on the web with a train station replica of what major sites are visited. Who participates and what they are doing explores exactly what Web partakers are doing as well as the demographic of those people. Internet traffic is explored to show what country uses the most traffic. Other areas explored are the visitation of social sites, online communities, and blogger sites.

What matters most about these summaries on the Internet for one is the Protocol. If no one followed the rules or protocol of the internet, information could not pass freely from one network to another. The system benefits everyone and does not have a high cost.This prevents problems like stovepiping. IP and TCP are types protocol that create simplicity for all the networks of networks sharing information. The creation of the World Wide Web established a visual of the internet, instead of coding. The majority of people that use the Internet can not understand the sophisticated coding. Pictures and browser bridged the gap between everyday people and the tech heads.

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